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I'm so happy you could join us! For you to enter my universe, this virtual door is wide open. Consider this site an open invitation to interact and explore as I share my original works and some life lessons. Let's go on an interesting path together as you leisurely browse the pages!

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It's me

I'm a scholar in the field of information technology, making my way through Sri Sri University of Business Administration's classrooms. You can find me crafting words into relatable posts on life's tiny lessons. I'm on a mission to master both tech and stories, from navigating the digital world to imparting knowledge with a touch of drama. Join me on this amazing trip of stories, bytes and boundless discovery!

Glimpse of my thought

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Maturity is an Act
The overthought diary

I've always been a much more mature child than all the other kids my age. But at least in front of him, he begged me to behave responsibly like a 25-year-old adult.

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Mister Moody Man
Early life crisis

A stunning mortal yet occasionally tragic thing happens to a woman. Every lady will agree with me, except for our beautiful man.

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Early life crisis

Overthinking is a sin for your soul and mind. You have no choice but to be completely drained by it. Today I personally observed firsthand how thinking excessively... 

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Kiss and Makeup
The overthought diary

Why does love seem so smooth at times and so overwhelming at other times?
Why must relationships experience such a wide range of ups and downs?

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Hope and Fear
Early life crisis

Our connection has grown so strong that we both feel ready to take this next step in our relationship.
But are we really ready?

Candid Captures!

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No FOMO allowed

Drop your deets, and we'll do the rest 

Let's get Chatty!


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